Meditation GUIDE


THE ANCIENT PRACTICE of meditation is intended to render our body, subtle energy, and mind more spacious and capable of sustained attention. Upon this foundation of increased ease and mindful awareness, our innate capacity for openness, presence, and radiance expands. We wake up to who we really are.  

I offer one-on-one guided meditation instruction based on the ancient wisdom teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.

Despite the fanfare and endorsements of meditation, many people find it difficult to establish a daily practice. For those who do manage to establish a regular practice, challenges often arise, such as how to deepen while keeping it fresh and engaging. The fact is, mindfulness and meditation techniques are fairly straightforward and easy to understand, yet our human psychology rarely is.

Thus, it is highly supportive, especially at the outset of learning to meditate, to generate a healthy ecosystem around your practice; this includes practical skills and discipline, having a clear understanding of your motivation, and cultivating a personal cosmology that works for you.

It is also imperative to learn skillful ways to navigate difficult emotions and self-sabotaging tendencies, which we all inevitably encounter along the path. 

As your meditation guide, I will ensure that you approach your meditation practice within a holistic context that fosters a healthy ecosystem. We will explore mind, heart, and body-based practices specific to your needs. As you discover what is most uniquely inspiring and useful for you, I will help you establish a fulfilling daily practice that can become a rich resource of nourishment, joy, and resiliency for your life.